Sunday 12 February 2017

Increase YOUR INCOME this February

Want a career as an Event Planner?

Nowadays, there are more parties and events than ever before.

This event workshop is designed to help you master the art of event planning, giving you the skills needed to succeed as a professional event planner. Learn how to ensure the success of any event, including meetings, parties, fundraisers, retreats, conferences and many other types of gatherings. You will master the fine art of networking, learn how to work with vendors, become a vendor yourself with the decoration and finger food training and handle every need of your clients.

Friday 13 May 2016

8 Ways to Protect Your Children's Teeth

             child at the dentist

Watching what people eat and drink should begin in infancy. Eating and drinking right will promote a healthy body, including the teeth.
The Nigeria Dental Association suggests how to promote healthy teeth in children:

  • Don't share feeding spoons with baby or put baby's pacifier in your mouth.
  • Wipe down gums after each feeding with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as they come in, using a child-sized toothbrush and a light smear of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Provide supervision when your youngster brushes teeth, until age 6 or so.
  • Only formula or breast milk should be placed in bottles, never juice, soda or sugar water. Do not let baby take a bottle to bed.
  • Never dip your child's pacifier in anything sweet.
  • Get your child to drink from a cup by age 1.
  • Promote eating healthy foods.

Vagina too tight

The vagina itself is never too small to accommodate a penis – remember that its walls are stretchy enough to allow a full-sized baby to pass along it. But it can seem too small for sex if the muscles at its entrance go into a spasm when your partner tries to insert his penis. This is a fairly rare condition called vaginismus.
Some women with vaginismus can insert a tampon without any problem, but others find that trying to insert anything – a tampon, a finger or a penis – makes the muscles contract. Women with vaginismus often avoid having cervical smears, because they think it will be painful or impossible.

Premenstrual syndrome

Most women who have reached the age of menstruating know what premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is, because they will have experienced it to some degree. An unlucky 5–8% have it so badly that it is really distressing, and significantly interferes with their life. It often starts to come on about 6 days before the next period is due, and gradually worsens until bleeding starts. Some women find the worst time is about 2 days before the actual period. As soon as the period starts, most women suddenly feel better, but sometimes the symptoms can linger on.

Friday 29 April 2016

Worried About Stroke? Know the Facts

woman at computer1. You can have a stroke at any age. More than 25 percent of stroke victims are under 65. However, for every decade after age 55, your risk of stroke increases by 10 percent.
2. There are two forms of stroke: ischemic (blockage of a blood vessel supplying the brain) and hemorrhagic (bleeding into or around the brain).
3. African-American women have a lower one-year survival rate following stroke than Caucasian women. One half of all African-American women will die from either stroke or heart disease.

4. If you live in the southeastern United States you live in the "stroke belt"—an area with the highest stroke-related mortality rate in the country.

The Connection Between Stress and Weight Loss

Preliminary research may help explain how stress reduces your ability to lose weight.
In tests with cells and mice, University of Florida researchers found that chronic stress triggers production of a protein called betatrophin, which inhibits an enzyme involved in burning fat.
"Betatrophin reduces the body's ability to break down fat, underscoring a link between chronic stress and weight gain," study co-first author Dr. Li-Jun Yang, a professor and lead investigator in the University of Florida's College of Medicine, said in a university news release.

Laughter Really Is Good Medicine

woman laughingSharon Danzger admits to having been a little skeptical when a member of her women's business networking group extolled the health benefits of laughing on purpose. When the woman offered to teach the group to laugh when nothing was funny—no jokes told or comedy movie screened—"I was hesitant," Danzger says.

After all, the group was made up of people who didn't know each other very well. Some men were going to attend the laughter session, too. How could they all just start laughing together for no reason?

Healthy laughter
A good laugh, like a good cry, has long been thought to be the right medicine at certain moments. Now scientists are exploring how regular laughing can do more than just put a smile on your face.
"After laughing, you have a relaxation response (in your body). Everything goes down—heart rate, blood pressure, your muscles relax," says Mary Bennett, PhD, APRN, whose research has investigated how humor and laughter affect physical and psychological well-being.

Stress Less in 7 Steps

woman laying on a hammock with a bookYou know the feeling: the more you do, the more it seems you have to do. As challenges mount in your work, relationships, finances and health—sometimes in several areas of your life at once—they can easily turn from trying to overwhelming.

The source of your stress may be temporary, such as producing a big holiday party, so the pressure ends in a short time. More serious stressors are long-lasting or out of your control, such as what the stock market is doing or a major medical problem.

Yet, often, we take responsibility for solving every detail, every problem, every adversity, whether it's realistic or even sensible to do so.

"Women are always chronically multitasking and under stress. This year (with the economic crisis), in particular, it's more difficult," says Nancy Molitor, PhD, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.

Natural Remedies for Pain Management

When you experience pain, do you:
  1. Become anxious and depressed
  2. Pop a painkiller
  3. Lose sleep
  4. Call in sick
  5. Book a massage
  6. Do nothing, live with it and suffer in silence
  7. All of the above

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness characterized by prolonged, debilitating fatigue that does not improve with rest and worsens with physical or mental activity. It is also characterized by multiple nonspecific symptoms such as headaches, recurrent sore throats, muscle and joint pains, and memory and concentration difficulties.

10 Tips for Protecting Your Eyes

I am constantly amazed by the links between how we live and every aspect of our health. While it's no surprise that your diet and levels of exercise can affect the health of your heart, it probably comes as a shock to learn those factors can also affect the health of your eyes.
In fact, many of the same things that lead to common chronic conditions like diabetes, atherosclerosis and even dementia also play a role in the health of your eyes.
That's why I've come up with the 10-point Eye Health Plan. I'm no eye care expert, but I am a healthy lifestyle expert. Here's what I recommend for protecting your eyes:

Thursday 28 April 2016

How the Computer May Be Damaging Your Eyes

woman looking at her computerCall it the revenge of the electronic screens. Many of us spend hours each day peering at computer screens, televisions, hand-held devices, cell phones, GPS monitors and more. The result: dry eyes, irritation, blurred vision, double vision, headache, and tiredness.
There's a word for this group of symptoms, or, rather, three words: "computer vision syndrome." If the proliferation of eye drop products on store shelves is any measure, computer vision syndrome is an increasingly common problem. Here are a few suggestions to help your eyes feel more comfortable:

This Health Benefit of Beer May Surprise You

wooden models holding beer

Having a beer a few times a week might help women avoid painful rheumatoid arthritis, a new study suggests.
The disease, which affects women more than men, is a form of arthritis linked to immune system dysfunction. According to the Arthritis Foundation, over 1.5 million Americans suffer from the disease, which typically begins in the 20s or 30s.

Take Control of Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Take Control of Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

rheumatoid arthritis - woman looking to the sideImagine that completing simple everyday activities—like brushing your teeth or washing the dishes—becomes almost impossible due to the aching and swelling of your joints. If you are one of the estimated 1.5 million Americans living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), this may be a frustrating reality.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful and sometimes debilitating chronic condition characterized by stiff, swollen and painful joints.
Many who live with the disease feel isolated and limited by it, so it is important to know about the options for managing and controlling flare-ups. While RA can affect anyone, the disease is two to three times more common in women than in men.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Glaucoma And The Necessary Treatment

Often called the "sneak thief of sight," glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases that damage the nerves carrying images from the eye to the brain. Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of blindness in the United States, according to the National Eye Institute. A study published in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology estimates that 2.2 million Americans have the disease, but half don't know it. Glaucoma usually produces no symptoms until the disease has progressed to the point of damaging a person's sight.